Author Meets Critics: Andrew Mall’s God rock, Inc.
AAR (2023) “author meets critics” panel on God Rock, Inc. Panelists will consider how Christian music as a niche business shapes religious communities in the United States (and beyond), as well as how its many genres and subgenres - pop, rock, metal, rap, hip hop, praise and worship, etc. - reflect and shape evangelical Christian politics, practice, and theology.
Reading Religion Reviews God Rock, Inc.
Shannan Katherine Baker reviewed God Rock, Inc. for Reading Religion, the open book review website published by the American Academy of Religion (AAR).
Sound as Religion
AAR conference roundtable panelist (2017). While interdisciplinary interest in the phenomenon of sound has been growing apace, understanding the diverse ways in which sound is implicated in religious practice and spiritual experience remains under-researched in the field of religious studies. This lacuna can be attributed in part to the dominance of textual, visual, and liturgical paradigms in the field, but also the challenges of conducting research on sound (including music), noise, and silence. At this juncture, we feel the need to team up and share resources in order to promote more research and theoretical reflection on the auditory and acoustic dimensions of religion.
Resistance, Renewal, and Congregation at Christian Music Festivals
AAR conference presentation (2017). Based on interviews with festival staff and attendees, historical research, ethnographic fieldwork at Cornerstone in 2009–2012 (including two summers volunteering as festival staff), and fieldwork at AudioFeed and Wild Goose in 2017, this paper examines the production of space, place, and community at Cornerstone, AudioFeed, and Wild Goose.
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