Intermediate Central Javanese Gamelan

Friends of the Gamelan

Taught: Winter 2011

Course description

Our intermedia central Javanese gamelan ensembles course is available to current members of Friends of the Gamelan who have completed the beginning course. Students gain more experience on the the colotomic (structural) and balungan (melodic skeleton) instruments, and are exposed to some of the elaborating instruments used in a typical ensemble. We primarily focus on pieces in the ladrang forms (Yogya and Jakarta traditional repertoire), which are more complicated than the lancarans and buburans taught in the beginning course but not as lengthy as gendhings. While the FROG ensemble is focused on preparing repertoire for the annual concert at this time, in the intermediate course we provide members the opportunity to learn new repertoire and to practice other instruments and techniques.

In addition to practicing the skills learned in the beginning class—note accuracy, proper technique, reading notation, and changes in tempo (speed) and dynamics (volume)—we introduce the walking mipil/pipilan patterns on bonang, two-person imbal (interlocking) technique on bonang and balungan instruments, sight singing, transitions between sections/pieces, and changes in irama (and the corresponding changes in density relationships for, e.g., peking, bonang, and imbal technique). Students are also introduced to basic technique on gender, gambang, and kendang (drums). Although we usually play larger-form pieces from notation, we emphasize memorizing common pieces, including Wilujeng and wayang kulit sections such as srepeg and sampak.

The course takes place in FROG’s rehearsal space prior to our weekly rehearsals where students play Sri Sedånå, FROG’s bronze gamelan.


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