Historical Traditions: America

Northeastern University

Semesters taught: Fall 2016, Spring 2016, Fall 2015, Spring 2015, Fall 2014, Spring 2014, Fall 2013

Course description

In this course, we will survey the musical heritage of the United States in various cultural and stylistic contexts. How has the musical diversity in the U.S. reflected this country’s social and cultural diversity? In what ways has the commercial marketplace affected American musical life? What values have informed the emergence, performance, and consumption of the various genres and styles of art, folk, popular, and sacred musics in the U.S.?

Throughout the semester, you will learn to identify and articulate narratives of music cultural development throughout the history of the U.S. You will be able to relate specific developments to larger discourses about the roles of democratic participation, socio/cultural diversity, markets, and performance in American musical life. Finally, you will be able to assess the ways in which primary sources—including both written texts and musical pieces—contribute to these historical narratives.


Defining the Mainstream of Music with Professor Andrew Mall


Gamelan Laras Tentrem Concert